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From Fox News: The gut has long been linked to overall health, underscoring the importance of feeding it well.
A new study shows that eating citrus fruits, such as oranges, may lower the risk of depression by about 20% — and experts say it’s due to the way it interacts with the stomach.
The study, published in the journal Microbiome, found that the positive effects of citrus are linked to how the fruits impact the gut microbiome, which includes the bacteria living in the stomach.
The researchers analyzed data from the Nurses’ Health Study II (NHS2), which began in 1989 and tracked chronic diseases among 100,000 women in the U.S., according to a press release.
Study author Raaj Mehta, MPH, MD, an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School and a physician at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, explained, ““We show that citrus intake is prospectively associated with a greater abundance of [the bacteria] Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, which in turn, is associated with a lower risk of depression.”
“This finding supports the notion that dietary interventions can mitigate or prevent depression symptoms,” Dr. Mehta added.
One professional who was not involved in the study, Lindsay Malone, RDN, an instructor in the department of nutrition at Case Western Reserve’s School of Medicine in Cleveland, pointed out that “there are more benefits to eating oranges than those highlighted in the study, including fiber for digestive health and supporting the gut microbiome, and vitamin C for the immune system.”
A recent study from scientists at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital found that participants who ate an #orange a day had a 22% lower risk of developing #depression.
— Everyday Health (@EverydayHealth) March 5, 2025
Oranges lower depression risk by modulating gut bacteria, decreasing endotoxin.
“We found that eating one medium orange a day may lower the risk of developing depression by about 20 percent. And the effect seems to be specific to citrus.” PMID: 39543781
— Master Metabolism (@lowmegatron) February 27, 2025
There’s the old saying of “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But maybe it should be an orange.
A new study by researchers at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital says eating an orange a day may lower a person’s risk of depression by 20%.
— Evan Brand (@mrevanbrand) March 6, 2025
Eating one type of fruit could lower depression risk, study shows
— Fox News (@FoxNews) March 7, 2025
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