REPORT: State purging hundreds of noncitizens registered to vote after audit exposes flaws


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From Fox News: Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose is moving to purge hundreds of noncitizens currently registered to vote after an election year audit revealed flaws in state voter rolls.

The audit uncovered 499 individuals who were registered to vote but were not U.S. citizens. The removals announced Thursday include individuals who confirmed their noncitizen status to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. That data was then paired with the federal Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) database, which also confirmed them to be noncitizens.

“These individuals failed to respond to notices from the Secretary of State’s office asking that they either confirm their citizenship status or cancel their registration,” LaRose’s office said in a statement.

Officials clarified that any individual losing their registration as a result of Thursday’s action may submit a provisional ballot, which “will be counted upon proof of citizenship.”

LaRose announced in a social media post, “American elections are only for American citizens. Today, I’m ordering the immediate removal of 499 non-citizen voter registrations found as a part of our comprehensive audit using SAVE data. We need to pass #SAVEAct and require these standards nationally.”

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