REPORT: South African president signs controversial land seizure bill, eroding private property rights


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From Fox News: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa signed into law a bill that will allow the government to seize land without having to pay compensation, which some in the government say is a threat to private ownership.

The law, which replaces the pre-democratic Expropriation Act of 1975, “outlines how expropriation can be done and on what basis” by the state, the government says, according to the BBC.

Ramaphosa’s party, the African National Congress, or ANC, hailed the law as a “significant milestone.” However, some members of the government have signaled they will challenge the legality of the law.

The country’s majority Black citizens own just a small fraction of farmland more than 30 years after the end of apartheid. Most landowners are part of the White minority, according to the news report.

The new law allows for the expropriation of land without compensation only in circumstances where it is “just and equitable and in the public interest.”

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