REPORT: Small town fined for refusing to fly rainbow flag, celebrate Pride Month


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From Fox News: A Canadian town is facing a fine of $10,000 for refusing to participate in Pride Month and fly the “LGBTQ2 rainbow flag” outside its municipal building.

The town of Emo, Ontario, which has a population of about 1,300 and is situated near the border with Minnesota, was found to have violated the Ontario Human Rights Code by the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario for refusing to proclaim June as Pride Month, according to a report from the National Post.

The town was also issued a citation for its failure to fly “an LGBTQ2 rainbow flag,” the report notes, despite Emo not having an official flag pole.

In addition to the $10,000 fine, officials from the town were ordered to complete mandatory “human rights” training.

The report explains that the battle over “pride month” has been ongoing since 2020, when a group called Borderland Pride approached the town of Emo with a written request asking that the town declare June as Pride Month, and to fly an “LGBTQ2 rainbow flag for a week of your choosing.”

The town council defeated the request in a 3-2 vote, noting that “there’s no flags being flown for the straight people.”

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