REPORT: Republican Governor Orders Flags to Full Staff for Trump’s Inauguration Day


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From Breitbart: Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered the flags on the State Capitol and other State buildings to be at full-staff on January 20 to celebrate the inauguration of President-Elect Donald Trump. The flags are currently at half-staff in memory of the late President Jimmy Carter.

“Texas continues to mourn with our fellow Americans across the country over the passing of former President Jimmy Carter,” said Governor Abbott in a written statement on Monday morning. “President Carter’s steadfast leadership left a lasting legacy that will be felt for generations to come, which together as a nation, we honor by displaying flags at half-staff for 30 days.”

“On January 20, our great nation will celebrate our democratic tradition of transferring power to a new President by inaugurating the 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump,” Abbott continued. “As we unite our country and usher in this new era of leadership, I ordered all flags to be raised to full-staff at the Texas Capitol and all state buildings for the inauguration of President Trump.”

“While we honor the service of a former President, we must also celebrate the service of an incoming President and the bright future ahead for the United States of America,” Abbott wrote.

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