REPORT: Republican governor believes Trump has ‘no path’ back to the White House without his state


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From Fox News: Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp insists “the road to the White House is going to run through Georgia.”

And Kemp, the popular two-term conservative governor of the crucial southeastern battleground state, emphasized in an exclusive national interview with Fox News Digital that “there’s no path for former President Trump to win or any Republican … to get to 270 [electoral votes] without Georgia.”

Kemp, interviewed Tuesday on the eve of Vice President Harris’ two-day bus swing through Georgia, said his state “should be one that we win if we have all the mechanics that we need. And I’m working hard to help provide those in a lot of ways and turn the Republican vote out.”

“It’s my belief that we cannot afford four more years of [President] Joe Biden and Kamala Harris or Kamala Harris and [Minnesota Gov.] Tim Walz, which I think would probably be worse than even Biden and Harris were,” Kemp said.

Kemp said last week that he was determined to do everything he can to help Trump win Georgia, and told Fox News host Sean Hannity that “we need to send Donald Trump back to the White House.”

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