REPORT: Poll hints at surprise victory for Republicans as experts point to Biden-Harris frustrations


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From Fox News: The Senate race in Michigan has emerged as a much bigger Republican pickup opportunity than originally imagined as former Rep. Mike Rogers recently tied his Democrat opponent with a key group, according to a new poll.

Michigan Republican strategist Jason Cabel Roe was not initially expecting the Republican traction that Rogers is now seeing in the state due to Michigan’s recent history of electing primarily Democrat senators.

GOP operatives have agreed that the Michigan race’s status has come as a welcome surprise.

“It seems like Michigan may be a little bit more competitive than Ohio,” a senior Republican strategist told Fox News Digital, remarking that races in West Virginia, Montana and Ohio have been traditionally understood as the best Republican opportunities this cycle.

Democrat Sen. Debbie Stabenow currently occupies the senate seat in Michigan, but is not running for re-election.

Rep. Elissa Slotkin (Mich.) is running to replace Stabenow on the Democrat side, but is currently tied with Rogers, who hopes to flip the seat to Republican.

In assessing the Michigan senate race, Roe noted that one key factor may be the large number of Muslim voters in Michigan who have turned against the Biden-Harris administration over their support for Israel. The Muslim voters are not expected to flip and vote Republican, but they may choose not to vote at all, which will hurt Democrats.

Rogers is making Slotkin’s ties to China a key part of his campaign. In a recent social media post, Rogers wrote:

Voters are going to hear a lot of promises from politicians over the next couple of months. But it’s important that we don’t listen to them say who they are, rather watch them show us who they are.

Slotkin might be trying to sell herself as a solution to the partisan problems in Washington, DC but that is simply not the case.

She has sold Michigan out to China, shipping jobs overseas. She has voted with Biden and Harris 100% of the time. And she has encouraged the big-government spending that has driven up the cost of gas and groceries.

Simply put, Slotkin is just too radical for Michigan. I’m asking you to help me stop her on November 5th.

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