REPORT: Parent punished for wearing armband in support of women’s sports to his daughter’s game


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From Fox News: A New Hampshire parent is speaking out after he says he was banned from school grounds for wearing pink “XX” armbands in support of women’s sports at his daughter’s soccer game this week when a biological male was reportedly playing on the opposing team.

Anthony Foote of Bow, New Hampshire, told the New Hampshire Journal he received a notice of trespass from Bow and Dunbarton School Districts Superintendent Marcy Kelley after he wore armbands in support of girls-only sports to his daughter’s high school soccer game Tuesday.

“My daughter’s playing in the homecoming game this weekend, and I’m banned until the 23rd,” Foote told the publication. “I can’t watch her play in homecoming, which is ridiculous.”

The issue began when several parents complained to Bow High School Athletic Director Mike Desilets after they learned a player from Plymouth Regional High School was a biological male playing for the girls varsity team.

The New Hampshire Journal reported that several parents showed up at Tuesday night’s soccer game wearing pink armbands as symbols of support for girls-only sports.

That set off school officials, who stopped the game, demanded the parents remove the pink armbands, and slapped at least two parents with police-enforced “No Trespassing” orders.

The order reads: “You are hereby prohibited from entering the buildings, grounds and property of the Bow School District. You are also prohibited from attending any Bow School District athletic or extra-curricular [sic] event, on or off school grounds.”

“Bow, NH public school has banned parents from attending their daughter’s games for simply wearing pink XX armbands. This is a First Amendment violation and a slap in the face of women everywhere,” declared Moms For Liberty New Hampshire.

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