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The tables have now turned. Normally, we hear stories about conservative parents dismayed that their children are being influence by liberal colleges and activists.
But now, some liberal parents are in a panic over their children becoming Trump supporters and coming home with MAGA hats, according to a new report by the New York Times.
The report begins:
It is easy for Alex Behr to gush about her son, Eli, whom she describes as a generous and thoughtful college junior who had a serious skateboarding phase.
It is much harder for her to talk about his politics. Ms. Behr, 59, is a Democrat in Portland, Ore., who voted enthusiastically for Vice President Kamala Harris in the November election. She and her ex-husband were appalled that Eli, 20, decided to cast his first vote in a presidential election this fall for Donald J. Trump.
When Eli brought a “Make America Great Again” hat home from college this summer, Ms. Behr threw it into the corner of his bedroom. They argued about guns, immigration and abortion, struggling to do so without permanently damaging their relationship.
Eli’s parents are fretting that their son is. being “swayed by conservative opinions.” The Times writes:
A few months removed from Mr. Trump’s victory, the two have arrived at an impasse. Ms. Behr worries her son is being swayed by conservative opinions fed to him on YouTube and Instagram. Eli feels like he is simply learning to think for himself — a quality he admires in Mr. Trump.
Eli’s liberal mother admitted she even went to therapy sessions, and lamented, “I’ve had to do a lot of soul searching and reading about it to not feel like I’ve failed as a mom.”
The NY Times also tells the story of Democrat parents Chris and Melanie Morlan, of Spokane, Washington, who are devastated that their 24-year-old son voted for Donald Trump in the November election.
“I was like, who’s got a hold of my son?” Mrs. Morlan lamented.
He began to sound different around the time of Black Lives Matter protests in Portland and Seattle, Ms. Morlan said, which he told her had gotten too out of control. He began listening to YouTube channels like Better Bachelor, which disparages feminism and diversity, equity and inclusion.
The report notes how the times have changed:
In 2016, as younger voters leaned toward Hillary Clinton over Mr. Trump, it was easy to find left-leaning children loudly bemoaning the politics of their Trump-supporting parents, online and in the news.
This time around, there is a fresh wrinkle. Although young voters as a whole preferred Ms. Harris, Mr. Trump secured a second term in office with the help of an improved performance among young men. That has in some families exposed a different dynamic: liberal parents contending with their conservative sons.
“In 2016, The Cut interviewed Mrs. Clinton’s supporters about their Trump-voting fathers. By 2024, one of the publication’s columnists was instead asking “Can Parents Prevent Their Sons From Sliding to the Right?” on behalf of progressives like herself.”
— Josh Kraushaar (@JoshKraushaar) January 21, 2025
In February, the liberal outlet, The Cut, pushed out a report titled, “Can Parents Prevent Their Sons from Sliding to the Right?”
In this edition of ‘Brooding’ Kathryn Jezer-Morton asks whether parents can prevent their sons from sliding politically to the right. Ultimately, no one should get canceled at the dinner table.
— The Cut (@TheCut) February 17, 2024
Young people are indeed waking up, and realizing the liberal agendas of the left are not the best for their future.
Below is a video one young influencer released in November:
REPORT: Trump’s favorability surges by almost 20 points with young Americans, according to a new YouGov poll.
The seismic shift is extremely noticeable on TikTok, where young people (like in the video below) explain why they left the Democratic party for the Right.
57% of…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 24, 2024
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