REPORT: Islamic Terror Plot Against Pope Thwarted


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From Breitbart: Indonesian police have arrested seven people allegedly connected to an Islamic terror plot to attack Pope Francis during his visit to the country.

The coordinated arrests took place in Jakarta, the outlying cities of Bogor and Bekasi, the West Sumatra province, and the Bangka Belitung Islands province, according to a statement Indonesia’s national counterterrorism squad, Detachment-88, released Friday.

The statement included the initials of those detained — HFP, LB, DF, FA, HS, ER, and RS — and specified that the majority of the arrests occurred on September 2 and 3.

Detachment-88 spokesman Colonel Aswin Siregar said it is not yet clear if the seven suspects know each other or are members of the same terror cell.

Aswin said authorities were tipped off by members of the public that a plot was underway. The seven individuals reportedly “made threats in the form of propaganda or terror threats via social media in response to the pope’s arrival.”

The would-be attackers has also threatened to set fire to the locations being visited by the pope. Authorities found bows and arrows, a drone, and ISIS leaflets when they searched the home of one of the detainees.

Those arrested had reportedly all pledged their allegiance to the Islamic State.

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