REPORT: Gov Newsom delivers big blow to California Democrats as he vetoes controversial housing bill


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From Fox News: California Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed a controversial bill that would have given hundreds of thousands of dollars in housing loans to illegal immigrants.

Last month, the California legislature advanced AB 1840, known as the “California Dream for All” loan program, which would have given illegal immigrants up to $150,000 in first-time homeownership loans — a bill that if signed into law would have given first-time homebuyers up to 20% of a home’s value or up to $150,000 as down payment assistance.

“This bill seeks to prohibit the disqualification of applicants from one of California Housing Finance Agency’s (CalHFA) home purchase assistance programs based solely on their immigration status. Given the finite funding available for CalHFA programs, expanding program eligibility must be carefully considered within the broader context of the annual state budget to ensure we manage our resources effectively,” Newsom said in the veto letter.

“For this reason, I am unable to sign this bill.”

“Even a broken clock is right twice a day,” quipped conservative journalist George Behizy. He added:

In his veto, Newsom said, “Given the finite funding available for CalHFA programs, expanding program eligibility must be carefully considered within the broader context of the annual state budget to ensure we manage our resources effectively. For this reason, I am unable to sign this bill.”

In other words, he’s saying California is flat BROKE.

Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk weighed in on the latest development:

Gavin Newsom just vetoed AB 1840, which would have allowed illegals to apply for the state’s first-time home buyer’s assisstance program with loans of $150,000.

Make no mistake, Gavin Newsom is okay with this program. What he’s not okay with is having this insanity tied to fellow California radical Kamala Harris while she’s running for president. He knows this policy is wildly unpopular with 85% of the country. This was a Presidential Election political calculation, not some sudden burst of moderation from Newsom.

One California resident, Terry, speculated, “I feel like Newsom is secretly having his CA assembly create these Bills like the one for reparations so he can Veto them purposely and publicly to set him up as a moderate for the 2028 election. He’s an idiot but he’s shrewd, deceitful and aspires to higher office and knew he’d have no shot against Trump.”

BREAKING: Calif Senate votes on bill allowing illegal aliens to get taxpayer-funded downpayment assistance on home loans

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