REPORT: Former national security chiefs backing Harris also signed infamous 2020 Hunter Biden letter


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From Fox News: Nine high-ranking former national security and military officials who signed a letter Sunday endorsing Vice President Harris’ run for the Oval Office also signed a letter nearly four years ago dismissing Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop as Russian disinformation ahead of the 2020 election, Fox News Digital found.

A group called the National Security Leaders for America, which bills itself as a bipartisan group of former senior military and national security leaders, published a letter Sunday endorsing Harris for the White House. A total of 741 former high-ranking national security officials signed the letter.

Fox News Digital pored through the list of signatories and found nine of the former national security chiefs who endorsed Harris also signed a letter in 2020 discounting Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation – before media outlets authenticated the laptop after the 2020 election and the FBI ultimately cited the laptop as legitimate in Hunter Biden’s criminal trial earlier this year.

The signatories who signed both the 2020 letter and the endorsement of Harris include: former Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper; former CIA Director Michael V. Hayden; former CIA Director Leon E. Panetta; former CIA Director John Brennan; former Acting CIA Director John E. McLaughlin; former CIA chief of staff Laurence M. Pfeiffer; former Department of Defense chief of staff Jeremy Bash; CIA chief of station John Sipher; and former National Intelligence Council Chair Gregory Frye Treverton.

“Donald Trump cannot be trusted “to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic . . . and bear true faith and allegiance to the same.” We believe that Kamala Harris can, and we urge other Americans to join us in supporting her,” the endorsement letter for Kamala Harris reads.

On October 14, 2020, just prior to the 2020 presidential election, the New York Post had published a breaking news story about the bombshell emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.  Twitter and Facebook immediately censored the story.

Five days later, on October 19, 2020, the the 51 former “intelligence” officials published an open letter claiming that the story about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

Politico pounced on the letter and ran an article the same day with the false headline “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.”

The liberal media then repeatedly parroted the “Russian disinformation” claim to kill the story, and Joe Biden use the letter from the 51 “officials” in a debate with Trump, to also push the “Russian disinformation” claim.

In the years that followed, multiple liberal media outlets have conceded that Hunter Biden’s laptop was not Russian disinformation after all, and neither were the documents found on it.

The New York Post noted in a report in March 2022 that the 51 “officials” who signed the October 19, 2020 letter still refused to apologize for their false claim.

Now at least nine of those officials have signed on to endorse Kamala Harris.

REPORT: Harris campaign touts endorsement letter from 111 Republican former officials

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