REPORT: Elon Musk sounds off as Uber drivers become latest targets amid anti-Tesla attacks


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From Fox Business: Tesla CEO Elon Musk responded Saturday to a social media post claiming an Uber worker driving a Tesla was given a 1-star rating amid national protests against the carmaker.

A photo that appeared to show an Uber driver in the front seat of a Tesla had overlaying text saying, “Giving Tesla uber drivers 1 star ratings.”

The photo was shared March 9 by “Cherdleys” with the caption, “This is what Tesla drivers deserve.”

A screenshot of the exchange was shared Saturday on X, attracting 11.3 million views as of 6:30 p.m. ET Saturday.

“That’s just plain cruel. The driver did nothing to deserve this,” Musk wrote, weighing in on the issue.

Uber Support replied, “Totally agree. Ratings should be based on the quality of the service.”

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