REPORT: Dozens of Wikipedia editors colluded on years-long anti-Israel campaign, bombshell report claims


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From the New York Post: More than two dozen Wikipedia editors allegedly colluded in a years-long scheme to inject anti-Israel language on topics related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Anti-Defamation League claimed in a bombshell report released Tuesday.

The rogue editors, at least 30 of them, flooded one of the world’s most popular sites with “antisemitic narratives, anti-Israel bias, and misleading information,” according to the report by the ADL’s Center for Tech and Society.

The alleged bias also extended to pervasive “pro-Hamas perspectives” across Arabic-language Wikipedia content, the report claimed.

“The values of Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation reflect our commitment to integrity and accuracy, and we categorically condemn antisemitism and all forms of hate,” a spokesperson for the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that runs Wikipedia, told The Post in a statement.

“Though our preliminary review of this report finds troubling and flawed conclusions that are not supported by the Anti-Defamation League’s data, we are currently undertaking a more thorough and detailed analysis,” the spokesperson said, adding that it’s “unfortunate” the ADL did not contact Wikimedia before the report’s release.

ADL announced on March 18, “ADL researchers found widespread antisemitic & anti-Israel bias on @Wikipedia, including clear evidence of a coordinated campaign by at least 30 editors to manipulate content related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

CLICK HERE to access the ADL report, published March 18, titled, “New ADL Report Finds Evidence of Biased, Coordinated Campaign on Wikipedia Related to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.”

CLICK HERE to access ADL’s second report, also published March 18, titled, “Editing for Hate: How Anti-Israel and Anti-Jewish Bias Undermines Wikipedia’s Neutrality.”

“When @Wikipedia gets sensitive topics wrong, it doesn’t just affect one homework assignment—it shapes how an entire generation understands world conflicts and potentially spreads misinformation and antisemitic narratives to millions of people,” ADL pointed out.

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