REPORT: DNC lambasted for ‘beyond parody’ leadership vote that included singing, gender rules


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From Fox News: Conservatives on social media are having a field day mocking the Democratic National Committee for featuring a handful of “beyond parody” moments during its leadership vote over the weekend, which critics say underscores that Democrats have “learned absolutely nothing” from their 2024 election losses.

The DNC voted to elect Minnesota Democrat Party leader Ken Martin as its chair on Saturday, after eight candidates vied to succeed Jaime Harrison. Following the Democratic Party’s losses in November, when Republicans reclaimed the White House and Senate and retained control of the House, the DNC’s chair vote serves as a fresh slate for the party as they ramp up strategies and fundraising for the next election cycle.

Conservatives and critics took to social media over the weekend to highlight what they viewed as the most out of touch speeches and comments from party leaders, including the election of left-wing activist David Hogg as one of its three co-chairs. Hogg is an outspoken gun control advocate and the co-founder of March for Our Lives, a gun control group that was formed after the Parkland school shooting in 2018.

Hogg declared since he is the only one on the DNC leadership team under 30, he is going to win back the young people for Democrats.

A video is receiving massive mockery, as former DNC chief Harrison announced that the elections must be gender-balanced, and explained their rules when a non-binary candidate is in the running, “the non-binary individual is counted as neither male nor female, and the remaining six offices must be gender balanced with the results of the previous four elections. Our elected officers are currently two male and two female. In order to be gender balanced… we must elect one male, one female, and one person of any gender.”


In one bizarre moment, one of the candidates for DNC Chair, R. Quintessa Hathaway, belted out a ‘song’. WATCH:

Conservative X user ‘End Wokeness’ noted that every single candidate for DNC Chair wildly claimed that the reason Democrats lost in 2024 was due to ‘racism and misogyny.’

‘End Wokeness’ shared another video and wrote, “DNC Chair vote today began with a “land acknowledgment” about how the USA is indigenous, stolen land.”

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