REPORT: Democrats are growing more anxious over deadlocked race, and Voters in deep blue city bash Harris


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From the Wall Street Journal: Kamala Harris calls herself the underdog against Donald Trump. Making that argument is an old ploy to motivate voters, but with two weeks until Election Day the vice president’s top advisers and allies are worrying it might be true.

Harris’s struggle to nail down support from key voting blocs in the Democratic coalition has left her team unsettled, according to interviews with aides and advisers. She enjoys strong support with women, but she has a clear problem with men, including both Black men and white working-class men. She also has failed to shore up support among Michigan’s Arab-Americans, who have been frustrated with the Biden administration’s handling of the widening conflict in the Middle East.

“People were feeling better three weeks ago,” said one Democrat close to the campaign, who added that it was always going to be a close race and that Democrats are given to 11th hour panic.

The report notes that some Democrats are still haunted by memories of the 2016 campaign, “when a confident Hillary Clinton lost to Trump.”

The Harris campaign is trying to leverage her advantage with women, and using the abortion issue to try to convince more women to vote for her.

The Hill quoted one Democratic strategist as lamenting, “Everyone keeps saying, ‘It’s close.’ Yes, it’s close, but are things trending our way? No. And no one wants to openly admit that. Could we still win? Maybe. Should anyone be even slightly optimistic right now? No.”

Meanwhile, MSNBC interviewed groups of voters in Philadelphia. Their responses will make Harris’ team panic even more:


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