REPORT: Dem socialists stick with Biden amid 2024 turmoil, push him on a bolder agenda


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While some Democrats are opening calling for Joe Biden to hang it up and drop out of the 2024 presidential race, some progressive Democrats are vowing to continue supporting Biden, and pushing for him to embrace an even more radical agenda.

From NBC News: Members of the House’s left-leaning “squad” and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., are expressing support for Biden and using the turmoil to try to nudge him closer to their economic vision for the country in the race against Donald Trump.

“I spoke with the president extensively this weekend. He has made abundantly clear that he is in this race. He has made abundantly clear that he is not leaving the race. He is the nominee. I am making sure that I support him and making sure that we win in November,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., told reporters.

She added that Biden should use this moment to “lean in” to a bolder economic agenda “and move further towards the working class” by “expanding his policies and vision for a second term.”

“If we can expand on health care, if we can make sure that people’s rents and mortgages are affordable, if we can actually provide and chart out a future that is more leaning into the needs of working people, then I think we can chart a path to win,” she said.

In a separate statement. Sanders called for Biden to emphasize his support for a higher minimum wage, expanded Medicare benefits, a bigger child tax credit and tax hikes on the wealthy to preserve Social Security.

Two other progressive ‘Squad’ members, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., and Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., also confirmed they are continuing to support Biden in his 2024 re-election race.