REPORT: Confirmation hearing for Tulsi Gabbard in limbo as Democrats seek to delay further


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From the Washington Examiner: Tulsi Gabbard, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the U.S. intelligence community, does not have a Senate confirmation hearing on the horizon amid concerns from Democrats over missing vetting materials.

Top Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee say they still do not have an FBI background check or ethics disclosures from the Office of Government Ethics as of Monday afternoon, causing unease as they look to probe Gabbard’s overall qualifications to become the Director of National Intelligence.

Committee rules require that a confirmation hearing cannot be held until seven days after the panel receives a “background questionnaire, financial disclosure statement, and responses to additional pre-hearing questions.”

“Particularly in the national security context, it’s critical that you have these documents,” said Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), a member of the committee.

The report explains that Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), the chairman of the panel, had originally intended to hold Gabbard’s confirmation hearing prior to Trump’s Inauguration Day.

However, criticism from Democrats on the panel appears to have delayed the advancement of one of Trump’s key national security nominees, the Examiner wrote.

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