REPORT: Blue state to ban hotels from providing guests with common amenity


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From Fox Business: New York state will be mandating hotels to forgo small bottles containing “hospitality care” products such as shampoo and lotions.

The enforcement comes as a bill was passed in the New York Assembly in hopes of reducing waste.

Beginning on Jan. 1, 2025, hotels with more than 50 rooms will not be able to provide toiletry bottles under 12 ounces, according to the Department of Environmental Conservation’s website.

Hotels are now switching from small toiletry bottles to larger, pump-topped bottles, eliminating single-use miniature bottles.

The new law, which was first introduced in 2019, allows hotels to receive a 30-day warning for their first violation. If the hotel continues to violate the rule, they will be “liable to the state for a civil penalty of two hundred fifty dollars.”

Next, the hotel will be slapped with a $500 fine if they continue providing the small toiletry bottles.

California enacted a similar law last year.