REPORT: Biden’s State Department’s ‘disinfo’ effort is a pro-censorship sham


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From the New York PostThe State Department is using taxpayer money to smear its critics — the ones who exposed its funding of pro-censorship groups that target right-wing news organizations, including The Post, under the guise of combatting “disinformation.”

A bombshell Committee on Small Business report confirmed the reporting of independent journo Matt Taibbi and the Washington Examiner: “The Federal government has fueled a censorship ecosystem impacting not only individuals’ First Amendment rights, but the ability of certain small businesses to compete online.”

One group, Global Disinformation Index, created a “blacklist” of conservative publications for advertisers to avoid, smearing The Post and other major news outlets as “risky” possible spreaders of false info.

GDI received $100,000 from the State Department’s Global Engagement Center between October 2021 and March 2022.

Another group mentioned in the report, the Poynter Institute for Media Studies, maintained a private email list that included GEC staffers, called “FakeNewsSci,” where members maligned conservative news organizations that had applied to join Poynter’s International Fact-Checking Network’s Code of Principles.

Taibbi reacted to the New York Post article, writing in a social media post, “I’ve been trying to keep quiet until I have the full picture, but this story about efforts to discredit reporting by me and @gekaminsky goes deeper than I first thought. More to come, but official behavior is far out of bounds.”

In another post, Taibbi wrote, “The Twitter Files showed that an elaborate government effort to regulate speech was undertaken without oversight/permission. But things would be worse without the First Amendment — instead of a covert effort to censor through private partners, you’d see more overt controls.”

Last week, the New York Post announced, “The State Department sought to denigrate “Twitter Files” reporter @mtaibbi, WashEx’s @gekaminsky and @RepJimBanks as part of damage control attempts for having helped fund an advertisers’ “blacklist” of The Post and other outlets allegedly spreading “misinformation.”

Washington Examiner reporter Gabe Kaminsky wrote, “A source close to the State Department further tells me that during an in-camera document review with Congress, Biden officials insinuated that Taibbi engaged in “unsavory conduct in Russia” as a journalist that makes him “not to be trusted.””

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