REPORT: Biden DOE official calls for ‘queering nuclear weapons’ as part of radical DEI agenda


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From Fox News: A recent hire at the nuclear security wing of the Department of Energy has previously called for disarmament policies – which reduce or eliminate nuclear weapons – arguing that advancing “queer theory” was essential to that agenda as well as important to America’s national security.

The Biden-Harris administration announced Sneha Nair had been appointed as special assistant at the National Nuclear Security Administration in February 2024. Nair believes in eradicating purported “White supremacy” in the nuclear field as well as “queering nuclear weapons” as part of a diversity, equity and inclusion push she believes is essential for deterring threats to nuclear energy facilities in the U.S.

“Finally, queer theory informs the struggle for nuclear justice and disarmament,” she wrote last year. “Queer theory helps to shift the perception of nuclear weapons as instruments for security by telling the hidden stories of displacement, illness, and trauma caused by their production and testing.”

Nair argues that DEI, more broadly, “is essential for creating effective nuclear policy.”

Nair previously worked for the Stimson Institute, which has received hundreds of thousands from Soros’ Open Society Foundations and millions from “The Embassy of the State of Qatar” over the years, Fox News reports.

Nair wrote in an article in April 2023, “By understanding DEI as a set of values critical to security, and therefore as an element of an effective nuclear security culture, stakeholders can explore how DEI can contribute to stronger security at nuclear facilities.”

“Collectively, these principles (of DEI) can work to mitigate counterproductive work behavior and prevent disgruntled employees from becoming insider threats,” she added.

“Diversifying the perspectives included in nuclear security decision-making can expand the definition of who or what constitutes a ‘threat’ for nuclear security,” she wrote. “The notion of ‘threat’ and ‘security’ are defined by the dominant culture, which inherently sidelines how marginalized groups … perceive ‘threats.'”

In the press release on February 7, the Energy Department announced new appointees and promotions, including:

Sneha Nair, Special Assistant, National Nuclear Security Administration
Prior to Nair’s appointment, she was a Research Analyst with the Nuclear Security Program at the Stimson Center, where she led research on insider threat mitigation, bias in human reliability programs, and implications of emerging technologies. Nair has held roles at the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization in Austria and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in the Netherlands. She grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and holds an MA (Honours) in Geography and International Relations from the University of St. Andrews in the United Kingdom.

Below is one of her social media posts:

Another article Nair contributed to is titled, “Gender Undone: Confronting Bias in the Nuclear Field.”

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