REPORT: Baby-faced Tren de Aragua crew at NYC migrant shelter targets Times Square — and they’re getting away with it


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From the New York Post: A brutal crew of baby-faced Tren de Aragua migrant gangbangers at a city-funded Manhattan shelter are pulling off armed robberies in Times Square — and they’re getting away with it, officials and sources said.

Nearly two dozen young migrant thugs, some as young as 11 years old, are part of a dangerous asylum-seeking brat pack that has graduated from purse snatchings to gunpoint heists targeting New Yorkers and tourists alike, a top NYPD official told The Post.

But they’re managing to stay out of jail because of their ages and the Empire State’s lenient criminal justice laws, Detective Bureau Assistant Chief Jason Savino said.

Calling themselves “Los Diablos de la 42” — Spanish for “Little Devils of 42nd Street” — the crew of about 21 gang members has been busted for 50 separate incidents, and yet not one is behind bars, Savino said.

Speaking to the New York Post, Savino said the young thugs are running around New York City like a wolf pack.

“This is the first formulated group that we found where this group of about 20 individuals that, in pack format, hang out every day, they post on social media, they boast about their crew. You see little pockets in and around Times Square and in and around the shelters,” Savinio explained.

The chief confirmed that the illegal alien gang members are armed. “You have individuals that are brazen,” he said. “We know they have access to guns, evident by the fact that they’ve done gunpoint robberies and they’ve been brazen enough to showcase pistols in and around their social media.”

The gang intentionally recruits minors who are unlikely to be charged as adults.

“They kind of had a graduation of sorts, and a progression where originally it started as snatches and then went to strong-armed robberies, and then started brandishing knives in a pack format,” Savino told the Post.

The mob are especially hanging out and committing robberies around Central Park, Times Square, and the transit system, and they also are targeting tourists.

In another matter certain to prompt outrage, Savino told the Post, “They use group chat on their government-issued phones, so you know that that’s what you’re using. And the group app is titled according to their gang, really, and they’re using their government-issued phones.”

In an interview last month, NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell said the illegal alien gangs are committing retail theft, extortion, robberies, human trafficking… and now “they’ve shot two of our cops.”


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