REPORT: Al Jazeera ‘Reporter’ Killed by Israel Identified as October 7 Terrorist


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From Breitbart: Ismail al-Ghoul, an Al Jazeera reporter whose death Wednesday was mourned by his network as a case of “targeted assassination,” was identified Thursday by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as a Hamas terrorist.

It was just the latest example of an Al Jazeera journalist or freelancer being exposed as a Hamas terrorist.

Al Jazeera reported on Wednesday: “Al Jazeera Arabic journalist Ismail al-Ghoul and his cameraman Rami al-Rifi have been killed in an Israeli air attack on the Gaza Strip.”

The network declared that “Ismail and Rami were wearing media vests” and blasted the “attack on Al Jazeera journalists” as “part of a systematic targeting campaign.”

Anti-Israel groups, including the  Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), reacted in outrage.

But the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed that Al-Ghoul wasn’t just a ordinary journalist, and said he had participated in the October 7 massacre against Israel. The IDF released the following statement:

ELIMINATED: Ismail al-Ghoul, a Hamas Military Wing operative, Nukhba terrorist and @AJEnglish journalist. As part of his role in the military wing, Al-Ghoul instructed other operatives on how to record operations and was actively involved in recording and publicizing attacks against IDF troops. His activities in the field were a vital part of Hamas’ military activity. The IDF and ISA will continue to operate in order to eliminate terrorists who participated in the October 7 massacre.

The official Israeli government X account also announced: “The IDF eliminated, Ismail al-Ghoul, a Hamas Nukba terrorist who participated in the October 7th massacre and worked for Al Jazeera during his free time. @AJEnglish any comment?”

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