REPORT: 4 states sue to block illegal aliens from census count used to assign congressional seats, electoral votes


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From Fox News: The attorneys general of Louisiana, Kansas, Ohio and West Virginia are suing to block the U.S. Census Bureau from including illegal immigrants in the count used to apportion congressional seats and electoral votes.

The lawsuit filed in Louisiana federal court on Sunday – the day before President Donald Trump took office – alleges that the Biden administration decided to include illegal immigrants counted in the 2020 census as part of the population tally to apportion congressional seats and electoral votes. That allegedly resulted in Ohio and West Virginia each losing a congressional seat and an electoral vote to other states with larger populations of illegal immigrants and temporary visa holders living there.

The lawsuit says Texas gained one congressional seat and one electoral vote, and California kept a congressional seat and an electoral vote “that it would have otherwise lost.”

The attorneys general argue Louisiana and Kansas are each likely to lose a congressional seat and an electoral vote in the 2030 reapportionment if the practice continues.

Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill said in a statement on social media, ” I have filed a lawsuit to block illegals from being counted in reapportionment. We shouldn’t lose representation in Congress representation due to the presence of illegal aliens harbored by other states. Counting illegal aliens in the census to determine Congressional seats and electoral votes Is unlawful. We have sued to stop it!”

Kansas Attorney Generl Kris Kobach warned, “The Census Bureau’s existing residence rule unlawfully requires counting illegal aliens and nonimmigrant aliens in the apportionment base used for assigning seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Electoral College.”

“It is a national embarrassment that the most powerful country in the world does not know how many citizens it has and has not known for decades. Because the federal government has been counting illegal aliens in the census, California has many more congressional seats and electoral votes than it should. This lawsuit will restore the Founding Fathers’ original vision of the United States,” Kobach said.

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