READ NOW: DML shares important message about Facebook, and a big decision


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Fed-up after years of censorship, DMLNewsApp and founder Dennis Michael Lynch announced in a must-see Facebook post Wednesday afternoon that he is leaving Facebook, and explained why.

Be sure to read every word of his announcement below:

You’re being used, suckered, and abused. I will not be treated that way.

I’ve been on Facebook for well over a decade. For the first few years it was great. People could speak freely, and if you liked a page you’d receive updates in your news feed per your liking. But when Trump won in 2016 it all changed. It’s been a total sh*t show ever since; it’s been a platform that favors censorship, lies, and pro-liberal agendas. It kicked Trump off, crushed countless accounts and entrepreneurs from the right, and sold your data to advertisers without you knowing.

In 2016, FB was blamed for the Trump win. The crazy lefties wanted people like me gone, and FB fell in line. We’ve all been censored and limited without warning or justification. And if you advertised, I believe they stole your money. I can’t count how many times they threatened to kick me off. My only crime was feeding you Pro-Trump information, most of it fact-based, some of it opinion, all of it accurate. Only the Lord knows how many people I converted over to MAGA with my Walk & Talk videos. In three months leading up to the election, my Walk & Talks generated over 100,000,000 views on 1,000,000 shares.

Can you count how many times they’ve screwed you? I know I can’t because it is so many times.

Ever since 2016, FB stunted my growth. In 2016, I had roughly 1.3m followers. Today, eight years later, I still have 1.3m followers. No growth? With all the content I post, you tell me how that happens?

I believe I have lost many hundreds of thousands of dollars — maybe more than a million dollars — when adding up all the lost time, opportunities, revenue, costs of dealing with their nonsense BS, lawyers, etc. Even so, I stayed on here because I had such a loyal following, plus, there was nowhere else to go.

Today, I see FB as a dying platform despite their earnings going up and the stock selling at an inflated $500 per share. (Full disclosure, I will be shorting the stock tomorrow morning — it is sure to go down in my opinion). Facebook, much like its step-brother, Google, is what I consider to be as anti-American as Iran. I think they are more woke than Bud Lite. And yet, we are all guilty, we have turned a blind eye to the evil-doers who run this platform. We have allowed them to abuse us, and Trump. We have ignored how they hire foreign labor instead of skilled Americans. We bitch about them all the time, but we do nothing. We login every day as they laugh in our faces — enriching themselves — and ruin our country in the process.

I believe they spy on us, record our clicks, lure our kids into being digital zombies, and monetize the illnesses that social media spreads: isolation, loneliness, and boredom.

To make matters uglier, the CEO and Founder pushes his ideology while censoring your preferences. He paid incredible amounts of money to get Biden elected. In short, he uses your clicks to help create policies that destroy your ability to live free and happy.

The most common refrain I have encountered on this platform comes in the form of a question. Be it about the election, or the FB censorship, people ask, “What can I do?” Let me give you the answer.

You can stand up for yourself, show some spine, and stop enriching the FB people who will throw you to the wolves every chance they get. Close your account. There’s an alternative — it is called X (formally known as Twitter).

Elon Musk is putting his fortune, reputation, and his life on the line to protect YOUR free speech. We should be defending him, and helping him in the same way we do Trump. Truth be told, whether he wins or loses, Trump’s time and influence is limited. At best, he’s got 4 more years. At worst, two more months. Musk on the other hand is just getting started. And we will need him long after Trump is gone. Musk is the only conduit where truth and freedom has a place to shine online.

On Friday, Facebook demonetized my account for no reason. My revenue from them equates to only a few thousand bucks per month (and that’s if they decide to pay me). By Sunday, I blew it off. “F*ck Facebook’s money”, I told my wife.

They have always played games with me; they offer no customer service; they have one-sided rules; and they can care less about the people who helped them build the platform. FB demonetizing me was a scumbag move, and I don’t associate with scumbags. Thus, my approach was I will use them to promote my podcast, newsletter, etc. But then today I had a change of heart.

Early this morning, like every morning, I was praying to God. During my prayers, I speak through my heart to a dear friend of mine, John Roland, a Fox News NY anchor who passed away a year ago. He was my mentor. He taught me all about the news business, and he was like family. Today, I asked him to show me a sign as to where I should take my career this late in the game.

Just an hour ago, I posted on my FB page information about a story originally published on The report indicates that Google, in a written statement to Fox, admitted its autofill feature didn’t show info about the assassination attempt on Trump by design. The information I posted was straight from Fox and yet, FB removed the post claiming it was spam. In my opinion, it was a sign from John to get the hell off this POS platform. Thus, I am done. This is my last post.

My Facebook followers (you) have been the heart and soul of my efforts over the years. We have not agreed on everything, and I have had pissing contests with some of you at times — but that’s healthy if you ask me. I love the chats we’ve had, good, bad, and ugly.

Through the years, you have purchased and supported my films, downloaded the DML NEWS APP, purchased my DML CBD products, my hats, bumper stickers, and TeamDML memberships. You prayed for me when I was sick, and you prayed for my family when asked. Every time you have prayed, the person you prayed for either got well, survived, or did better. Everything from cancer to surgeries, and my battle with stomach issues that nearly took my life. You have been there for me, and I thank you in a way words cannot describe.

We have had many laughs. From me jumping in the snow to jumping off my boats, to Mary and me reading your letters and emails, it has been a hoot. You have watched me move from NY to Florida, and you have watched my children grow up. You are family to me.

We’ve also cried together.

Thousands of you were with me on a Facebook LIVE when a dedicated follower named Gloria sent me a goodbye letter. Enclosed with her note was her life savings of $817. She wanted me to have it. Little did I know, by the time I received the letter she was already gone. She ended up taking her own life instead of withering away from stage 4 cancer. You and I prayed for her, and we created the 817 Club. This inspired me to launch the DML Foundation charity.

The amount of gifts you’ve sent me are countless, some of them personal items that I keep in my office. Your letters are stored in a box. I saved every email, even the meanies. Your kindness and love have never gone overlooked by me. As noted, I created the DML Foundation, which I funded 100% myself — using the earnings I received from your purchases and memberships. I never paid myself from the charity, and I absorbed all the expenses, and most of the donations I have made has helped someone I met thru Facebook. To date, I believe I’ve given away $250,000.

Notwithstanding Trump, I do not believe there is another person on social media who has received as much love as me. I mean, come on folks, there is a woman Stacy who has a tattoo on her arm that reads: TEAM DML. You won’t see that on Hannity 🙂

I will be 55 on Aug 28. I am at that point in life where it’s stupid to waste time on people and places that are evil, and with companies that are in it only for a buck. I am proud man, and I will not allow Facebook to make me swallow my pride. I have to show my children that standing up for yourself is hard sometimes.

Therefore, I am finished with this platform. The only way I return is if one day I run for office, and then I will use FB like they used us. And if I get elected, and if the FB crap remains ongoing, I will spend my days in DC ripping this thing down.
I hope you will continue on with me. There are many ways to do it. And in doing so, I hope you cancel your FB account. There’s nothing here that you need. They’ve sucked you into thinking you need them. Meanwhile, how many times have they compromised your information, or censored your comments.

There are many ways we can remain together.

1. You can follow the Dennis Michael Lynch Podcast via Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Apple Podcast Link:

2. Download the DML NEWS APP. Not only do you get the news, but you can get my podcast. (Apple App Store / Google Play Store)

3. Become a member of TeamDML for a mere $30 per year.  You get everything listed (1-3) and my family and I always engage in the LIVE CHAT. You will be connected with thousands of TeamDML members, so you’ll never be alone.  Link:

4. Sign up for my daily newsletter, the Great American Newsletter. Link:

5. Follow me on Twittter (X). I recently opened an account. My handle is @TrustDML. I plan on growing it to have millions of followers. Link:

You should get an X account. Elon is making X the place for all things. He offers LIVE videos, LIVE podcasts, and soon I believe he will offer movies etc. Stop supporting this platform and start supporting your free speech over at X.

For those of you who will stay here, sadly, you will live to regret it. Either way, I wish you the best.


In his post, DML included a photo sent to him several years ago from a supporter. She loves being a part of so much that she literally added the slogan to a tattoo on her arm.

If you’re not yet a member of TeamDML, CLICK HERE to get started now:

On his X (Twitter) account, which you should immediately follow, DML wrote, “I left @facebook today after 13yrs. I leave behind a huge following because FB is as antiAmerican as Iran. I hope the 1.5m peep who followed me come to X & support @elonmusk. X is the only platform for free speech. He deserves our support. PS- I’ll be shorting FB stock tomorrow.”

Earlier Wednesday afternoon, DML announced, “Facebook demonetized our account for no reason. We’ve never done the Twitter thing, now X. It’s time to make the move. If you are on X, I launched an account and will be building it to scale past this one considering there will be no censorship.”

Also, be sure to follow the DMLNewsApp X/Twitter account, where you will easily be able to share our news articles.  Link:

The Dennis Michael Lynch Podcast is available below, with the most recent on top. Never miss an episode. Subscribe to the show by downloading The DML News App or go to Apple Podcasts.