POLLING: Uh-Oh for Kamala?


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Hollywood’s influential network of corporate executives, publicists, celebrity influencers, and entertainment journalists is rallying behind Kamala Harris for her presidential bid, with a special emphasis on engaging minority women, according to several reports.

Despite her challenges with general voter popularity, many Hollywood elites have admired Harris since her days in California politics. Now, she is using her connections in the entertainment industry to not only fundraise but also to create excitement and generate a cultural movement aimed at boosting her presidential campaign.

Minority women are a key demographic target for Harris, and Hollywood is aiding her efforts to connect with them. On the same day President Joe Biden announced he would not seek re-election, Harris participated in a livestream call with around 40,000 minority women, including numerous Hollywood professionals, as reported by The Wrap.

The purpose of this meeting was reportedly for Harris’s team to coordinate support from their Hollywood allies.