POLLING: Trump Leads Biden, Harris in 2024 Polls


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Recent polls leading up to the 2024 presidential election indicate that Donald Trump has established a significant lead over both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

National and state-specific surveys reveal a notable shift in favor of Trump, with particularly strong leads in key swing states. Data from various polling organizations, including Cygnal and FiveThirtyEight, show Trump leading by varying margins, with some polls indicating a lead of up to 11 points.

The polls not only show Trump’s advantage over Biden but also reflect an even greater lead over Harris, suggesting that Trump performs more strongly against her than against Biden. These trends are consistent across different polls and forecasts, with Trump’s lead ranging from 2 to 11 points in various scenarios.

The growing support for Trump is evident in both national sentiment and critical battleground areas, underscoring the challenges faced by the Democratic candidates.