POLLING: The Only Democrat to Beat Trump


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A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll indicates that Michelle Obama is the only Democrat who could potentially defeat former President Donald Trump in a hypothetical presidential race, leading by 11 points.

This revelation has ignited conversations about her potential candidacy and its ramifications for the Democratic Party and the 2024 presidential election. Enthusiasts argue that her popularity and public service record could galvanize voters, offering the party a robust chance against Trump.

However, Michelle Obama’s office has confirmed that she will not run for president in 2024, quelling speculation and leaving the Democratic Party to consider other viable candidates to challenge Trump. Despite her decision, the poll results continue to influence discussions on the party’s strategy and candidate selection for the upcoming election as talks begin to increase on the issue of replacing President Joe Biden and the uneasiness of ascending Vice President Kamala Harris, who is widely viewed as unpopular to the American public.