POLL: Will you be voting early or on Election Day?


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Maryland and Mississippi began early and absentee voting Monday, joining nearly 20 states, including Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Virginia.

While these states aren’t battlegrounds in the presidential race, Maryland’s Senate race is expected to be a key focus on election night. Meanwhile, Virginia saw a robust turnout last Friday, the first day of early voting in the presidential election.

“It’s not normal at all,” said Fairfax County elections director Eric Spicer, noting the record-breaking numbers. Long lines, including at the Fairfax County Government Center, stretched from the entrance to the parking lot.

With this in mind, we want to ask you, the reader: will you be voting early, absentee, or on Election Day? Answer in our poll below and comment on the reason for your voting method!

If you cannot see the poll, click here.

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