POLL: Who should replace McConnell as GOP Senate Leader?


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Now that Republicans have won back control of the U.S. Senate, Democrat Chuck Schumer will lose his spot as Senate Majority Leader, and Republicans will again take the reins.

Current GOP leader Mitch McConnell, announced in February that he would be stepping down from the leadership role after the November elections. McConnell, 82, has served in the Senate since 1985, and has been the GOP senate leader since 2015.

So the first order of business when lawmakers return to D.C. next week is to choose a new Republican Senate Leader, who will be the next Senate Majority Leader. The vote is reportedly scheduled for November 13.

At least three Republican senators have expressed interest in being considered for the role: Minority Whip John Thune of South Dakota, Sen. John Cornyn of Texas and Sen. Rick Scott of Florida.

Several other names have been discussed on social media, but so far, only the above three senators are running for the spot.

Scott confirmed in a Fox Business interview, and on social media, that he is running for Senate Leader, and said he’s going to win.

“We have been given a mandate by the American people to support President Trump’s agenda and Make Washington WORK again. I’m running to be the next Senate Majority leader to do just that. #LetsGetToWork,” he wrote

“Republicans have TAKEN CONTROL of the U.S. Senate! We need a Senate Majority Leader who will bring our conference together, support President Trump’s agenda, and work to deliver for Americans. It’s time we Make Washington WORK Again!” Scott wrote in another post.

PLEASE TAKE OUR POLL BELOW – WE WANT YOUR OPINION! Who should be the next Senate Majority Leader?

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