POLL: Should presidents allow their children to serve in White House positions?


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President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, has been participating in meetings with the president and close staff at the White House this week, following a family gathering at Camp David on Sunday. According to an NBC News report citing multiple White House sources, Hunter Biden has been closely advising his father, attending meetings with top aides, and joining phone calls with the president.

The sudden involvement of Hunter Biden in these meetings has reportedly caused confusion among some White House staff. Currently, Hunter has no formal role or position within the White House or Biden administration other than being Biden’s son.

During former President Donald Trump’s tenure in the White House, his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner held prominent positions in his administration. Both were senior advisers to Trump, with Ivanka focusing on workforce development and women’s issues/policies, while Kushner focused on innovation and technology as well as peace in the Middle East.

We want to ask you, the reader: should presidents allow their children to serve in White House/administration positions? Answer in our poll below and describe in the comments your belief if their should be limitations or certain exceptions.

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