POLL: Do you want Trump to stop the name-calling and insults of his opponents?


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Some loyal Trump voters wish he would stop using insults and name-calling on his political rivals and public opponents.

They believe that his use of derogatory language can be off-putting to undecided voters and may distract from his policy achievements and goals. These supporters would prefer Trump to focus on the issues and present a more presidential demeanor.

However, other Trump supporters see his fiery rhetoric and willingness to engage in verbal sparring matches as a strength. They believe that Trump’s fighting spirit and unapologetic style are exactly what’s needed to take on the establishment and shake up the political status quo. These supporters see his insults and name-calling as a way to expose the hypocrisy and double standards of the media and political elites.

We want to ask you, the reader: do you want Trump to stop the name-calling and insults of his opponents? Answer in our poll below and explain your choice in the comment section!

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