POLL: 12 Years Later — Was Hillary Clinton responsible for Benghazi?


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The infamous Benghazi attack occurred on September 11, 2012, when armed terrorists assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya.

The attack resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. A second attack targeted a nearby CIA annex.

The incidents sparked international controversy regarding the complex’s security measures and the U.S. government’s response. Investigations revealed a range of factors contributing to the attack, including political instability in Libya following the 2011 uprising.

The event led to a national debate over foreign policy and the protection of diplomatic personnel, but it also raised questions as to who should be held responsible.

Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State at the time of the Benghazi attack under Obama. She faced scrutiny over the State Department’s security measures for the U.S. mission in Libya. Many argue that her department failed to adequately protect the facility despite prior warnings about increasing violence in the region. She faced meetings and even congressional hearings over the attack, with one of her most famous quotes of all time being spoken: “What difference does it make?”

We want to ask you, the reader: 12 Years Later — Was Hillary Clinton responsible for Benghazi? Answer in our poll below and comment with your thoughts on her role during the attack on our Americans stationed in Libya.

If you cannot see the poll, click here.

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