PHOTO: School District fires teachers for dressing as ‘Border Patrol’ at cultural event


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From the Daily CallerA school district in South Carolina has fired teachers at a local elementary school for what the district deemed were inappropriate social media posts regarding Hispanic culture.

Florence One Schools Superintendent, Dr. Richard O’Malley, sent a letter to parents and guardians Friday explaining that several teachers were placed on leave for wearing sombreros and dressing in “Border Patrol” shirts at the school’s “Royal Cantina” event, according to WMBF.

“As superintendent, I will not tolerate anything of this nature in our school district,” O’Malley said in the letter, referring to photos of two teachers in front of a wall wearing “Border Patrol” shirts posted Wednesday on the school’s Facebook page.

O’Malley said the “inappropriate event” happened during a professional development day at the school, WMBF reported.

In the photo that was posted, the “Border Patrol” teachers are standing in front of a “red block border wall.”

The incident caused a major uproar, especially from racial justice groups and the local Democratic Party, and the school apologized on Thursday:

“It is with regret that we acknowledge that a picture that was posted on our Facebook page yesterday showed an insensitive disregard for the current challenges our Hispanic population faces. At Royall, we take great pride in our long-standing tradition of embracing and supporting every student who walks through the doors of our building. Our staff is unanimously committed to celebrating the diversity of our families and ensuring that each and every student at Royall is successful, happy, and recognized for his or her unique culture and abilities. We apologize for our insensitivity but look forward to fostering relationships as we begin a new school year.”

WATCH the report below, and some members of the community were left fuming.

Monday morning, it was announced that it has “fired and suspended” several employees over the incident.

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