NY Times counters O’Reilly’s News: Suggest Biden’s Family Wants Him to Fight


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Earlier today, True.News reported on news coming from the Twitter account of former Fox News star, Bill O’Reilly. According to his tweet, Joe Biden has decided to drop out of the race for president. The NY Times, however, on Sunday night, posted a completely different narrative.

O’Reilly’s message was clear and concise, stating the aging politician recognizes he cannot escape the terrible optics of the debate with Trump, and fundraising was coming to a halt.  He did not reveal his source, but O’Reilly’s tweet exuded the sort of confidence that stems from having first-hand knowledge.

Countering O’Reilly’s tweet, on Sunday evening, The NY Times posted a headline suggesting Biden’s family is urging him to stay in the race.

Here is a passage from the Times:
“President Biden’s family is urging him to stay in the race and keep fighting despite last week’s disastrous debate performance, even as some members of his clan privately expressed exasperation at how he was prepared for the event by his staff, people close to the situation said on Sunday.

Mr. Biden huddled with his wife, children and grandchildren at Camp David while he tried to figure out how to tamp down Democratic anxiety. While his relatives were acutely aware of how poorly he did against former President Donald J. Trump, they argued that he could still show the country that he remains capable of serving for another four years.

Mr. Biden has been soliciting ideas from advisers about how to proceed, and his staff has been discussing whether he should hold a news conference or sit for interviews to defend himself and change the narrative, but nothing has been decided yet.

The campaign scheduled what could be a critical call with its national fund-raising committee for Monday to calm nerves and take temperatures.”

According to the Times, Hunter Biden is one of the strongest voices advocating for his continued candidacy.

A recent CBS News/YouGov poll revealed that 72% of registered voters do not believe President Joe Biden has the mental and cognitive health necessary to serve as president, with nearly half of all Democrats suggesting he should not accept the party’s nomination for the upcoming election. The poll also indicated that 72% of Americans are concerned about Biden’s mental fitness following the first presidential debate. In contrast, 54% of registered voters stated that Donald Trump should not be running for president.