NOW IT STARTS: Radical groups tout path of action to ‘derail’ Trump presidency


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During her ‘concession’ speech on Wednesday, Kamala Harris used the opportunity to push young people to get out and fight, telling them, “You have power,” and declaring this is the time to ‘roll up our sleeves,’ to organize, and to mobilize.

Harris has frequently touted that she grew up attending and participating in civil rights marches with her parents.

She has also repeatedly called for marches and activism, and even joined a few herself.

At about the same time as Harris’ speech on Wednesday, some far-left liberals have posted statements on social media, indicating they’ve decided what their course of action will be to try to derail the presidency of President-Elect Donald Trump….

Climate change protests.

Writer Matthew Todd declared in a post, “It’s likely climate change will derail Trumps presidency. You can’t ignore unprecedented disasters. What he does then though is anyone’s guess.”

They also say they want Joe Biden to clog up the system and leave a mess that Trump won’t be able to undo.

Activist Jamie Henn suggested, “Biden should go all out on climate for the next 75 days. Declare a climate emergency. Get all the IRA money out the door. Permit new transmission lines. Stop new LNG exports. Ban drilling on public lands. Make a mountain of progress for Trump to try and undo.”

A group called Climate Defiance announced in a post on X Wednesday morning, “This is a dark day for America. But they cannot destroy us without our consent. Rise up! Organize! Defy! The fight has only just begun.”

A flyer was seen posted to social media titled, “From Elections to Action: Ignite the Fight for Climate.”

The flyer advertises an event planned for Wednesday, November 13 from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  A statement on the flyer reads, “As the Summer of Heat on Wall St campaign takes new form, our commitment to taking direct action for climate justice remains steadfast. No matter the outcome of the election, we will continue to organize to end fossil fuels, stand in solidarity with the frontline, resist repression, and build towards a beautiful, livable world. Join us to plug into immediate actions as well as look ahead to Summer of Heat 2025.”

In additional posts, Climate Defiance wrote:

On climate we cannot waste another 4 years. We must transform every aspect of our economy and society this decade in order to avert the worst ravages of climate change. 

We cannot let up the fight during a Trump Presidency. We must play defense at the federal level. We must make progress at the state and local level. And we must DEMAND corporate titans not collude with Trump on our destruction. 

This election is a climate disaster. Clean air is at risk. Clean water is at risk. The atmosphere and the ocean and the whole global climate system is at risk. We will not sugarcoat it.

We must rise up. We must fight like hell. We must be unmanageable and ungovernable. We must defy and defeat fascism. That work begins today. END.

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