NEWS ALERT: Trump orders biological men out of women’s prisons, issues order on gender transitions for inmates


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Still less than a week from taking back the Oval Office, President Donald Trump is checking off his to-do list in lightning speed.

The New York Times has reported that Trump is getting biological men OUT of women’s prisons.

From the New York Times: President Trump has ordered federal prisons to house inmates who are transgender women in men’s facilities and halt medical treatments related to gender transition.

The move was part of a wide-ranging executive order issued by Mr. Trump on his first day in office meant to limit government recognition of an individual’s gender to their sex at birth.

The directive on prisoners also applies to immigration detainees and is among the more concrete parts of the order. Mr. Trump set some restrictions on housing and health care for transgender prisoners in his previous term, but the new order was more far-reaching.

The Women’s Liberation Front, which defines women based on sex at birth and advocates single-sex prisons, called the directive “a major victory.” The group is challenging a California law that allows prisoners to request housing that aligns with their gender identity. It argues that the law violates the constitutional rights of female inmates who are not transgender, including the Eighth Amendment right to protection from cruel and unusual punishment.

Trump is reportedly only requiring that biological men be removed from women’s prisons, but appears to be allowing biological women who identify as men to remain in the men’s prison.

The New York Times reveals that there are currently 1,500 federal prisoners who are transgender women (biological men who identify as women). A whopping 15% of all the inmates housed in women’s prisons are transgender (biological men.)

In the men’s federal prisons, there are about 750 who are transgender (biological women.)

The NY Times then notes that transgender people make up less than 1 percent of adults in the United States and then claim: ‘It is unclear why the number is higher in federal prisons, but experts point to studies that show transgender people are more likely to attract attention from law enforcement. They are also more likely to face family rejection and economic hardship.”

There have been multiple incidents where female prisoners have been attacked and harassed by biological men who identify as women and are being housed in women’s prisons.

However, the liberal New York Times claims it is the transgenders who are now at risk. They write: “Federal data shows that transgender prisoners are 10 times as likely to report being sexually victimized as other prisoners.”

Advocates for transgenders are complaining about Trump removing the biological men from women’s prisons, claiming that the new policy will put transgender inmates in danger.

“There will be rapes and physical assaults because of this policy,” claimed Shannon Minter, legal director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, which has represented transgender prisoners.

The Times adds that Trump is also putting to a halt all gender transition medical services.:

The order requires all gender-transition medical care to cease, saying that no federal funds should be spent “for any medical procedure, treatment, or drug for the purpose of conforming an inmate’s appearance to that of the opposite sex.”

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