NEWS ALERT: State bill redefining parenthood, stripping away ‘mother,’ ‘father,’ could soon be state law


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From Fox News: A Massachusetts bill, which seeks to update state law to redefine who legally qualifies as a parent, passed in the state senate on Thursday and now awaits signature from Democratic Governor Maura Healey to become law.

The Massachusetts Parentage Act aims to ensure “legal parentage equality” for children born to parents “without regard to the marital status, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation of their parents or the circumstances of their birth, including whether they were born as a result of assisted reproduction or surrogacy,” the bill text explains.

The bill requires gendered terms like “father” and “mother” to be stripped from state parentage law and replaced with more “inclusive” terms like “parent” or “the person who gave birth.” Advocates say the bill protects the legal parenting rights of diverse and LGBTQ families.

Democratic state senator Julian Cyr, a co-sponsor of the bill, celebrated its passage on X, writing, “LGBTQ+ families like mine face excessive and expensive hoops just to ensure our children have the security of legal parentage. The Senate’s passage of this bill is a critical step towards parentage equality in Massachusetts!”

Cyr doubled down, adding in a second post, “This bill is a real critical step to guarantee that all children can benefit from the stability of a legal parent-child relationship, no matter how they came into this world.”

Libs of TikTok sounded the alarm last week, writing, “BREAKING: Bill #H4750 just passed the Senate in MA. It would remove the word “father” on birth certificates in the name of “legal parentage equality.” It would also replace the terms “man” & “woman” with “persons” and replace “mother” with “person who gave birth.” It will now be finalized then head to the Governor’s desk.”

Katy Faust at The Federalist warned, “It’s even worse than that. It legalizes the commodification of children, beyond what the permissive surrogacy industry typically allows. We are back to the buying and selling of humans that we sought to eradicate during the Civil War.”

“This is what the democrats believe in. And they call republicans weird,” quipped George Sanders.

Many more conservatives voiced their outrage on social media….

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