NEWS ALERT: Speaker Johnson slams CBS News for editing his interview, exposes what they cut


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From Fox News: House Speaker Mike Johnson accused CBS News of cutting critical key answers he gave during a “Face the Nation” appearance on Sunday as the embattled network still faces backlash over airing two different answers Vice President Kamala Harris gave to the same question.

While TV news organizations cut or trim pre-taped interviews for time on a regular basis, the process is supposed to be done with journalistic integrity that doesn’t strip critical context or give the appearance an answer could have been given at a different stage of the interview. CBS News has faced scrutiny in recent days for airing a longwinded answer Harris gave when promoting a recent “60 Minutes” interview, but cutting the poorly received answer when the show aired in primetime, instead showing a different response.

“CBS has been under fire for selectively editing their interviews to PROMOTE Democrats and UNDERMINE Republicans. Yesterday, they chose to cut FIVE important minutes out of my nearly 15 minute interview. You can be the judge as to why,” Johnson posted on X before providing examples.

“Stand by for the receipts,” he declared, first sharing a Fox & Friends video as they were discussing CBS editing his video.

Then Johnson started rolling out the “receipts.”  In each instance, he appears to have had someone else recording the interview, and was able to show comparisons of what CBS aired and what was actually said.

“I recently traveled to NC and victims of Hurricane Helene told me nearly two weeks after landfall, the Biden-Harris Administration had STILL not provided them with all the resources they desperately needed. But CBS selectively edited OUT ENTIRELY this first-hand perspective,” he explained.

He posted a side-by-side video, the first showing an edited version that was aired on CBS, and then another video showing Johnson’s entire response to a question asked by CBS host Margaret Brennan.


Johnson posted another example revealing how CBS chopped off his answer.

“Apparently, CBS also doesn’t want you to hear about Virginia Gov. Youngkin, who is trying to clean the state’s voter rolls so non-American citizens can’t vote there. We need more states doing this, but the Biden-Harris Administration is SUING VIRGINIA and trying to STOP it,” he wrote.


“The Biden-Harris Admin let millions of illegal aliens in our country. So, the House passed the SAVE Act to ensure only American citizens vote in American elections. CBS edited that out and focused on 2020 instead of immediate threats to election integrity,” he explained.

Author Hans Mahncke reacted, writing, “No self-respecting person should ever appear on a CBS show again.”

Billionaire Bill Ackman also responded, “How can they do this?”

“Wow, this is active deception by CBS!” declared Elon Musk.

Then Speaker Johnson threw out a challenge to CBS: “Release the FULL Kamala tapes, @CBSNews.”

Sen. JD Vance also reacted.

“This is extraordinarily dishonest from CBS. Between this and 60 Minutes, they selectively edited a Kamala clip to make her look better and a Mike Johnson clip to take out his full answer,” he wrote.


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