NEWS ALERT: Shock After Court Overturns Conviction in Murder of Border Patrol Agent


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From Breitbart: The family of murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry expressed being sickened and disheartened after the recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to reverse the conviction of the man charged with the agent’s death. The court vacated the conviction of Heraclio Osorio-Arellanes four years after the district court in Arizona convicted him of the December 14, 2010, murder of Agent Terry.

“We are sickened by this overturn and how our government is handling this case,” Terry’s oldest sister, Michelle Terry-Balough told Breitbart Texas. “Osorio-Arellano confessed he was involved and present in my brother’s death. He was part of a rip crew who were on US soil robbing other drug smugglers with firearms supplied by our previous government.”

Federal prosecutors charged Jesus Rosario Favela-Astorga with first-degree murder in connection to the December 14, 2010, murder of Border Patrol Agent Terry in southern Arizona, Breitbart Texas reported at the time of the trial. Agent Terry, a Border Patrol BORTAC team member, responded with fellow agents to an area where Mexican “rip-crews” would attack migrants and drug smugglers. When the agents encountered the crew, crossfire left Agent Terry mortally wounded.

Investigators tied one of the weapons found at the scene of Terry’s murder to the Fast and Furious gun-running program conducted during the Obama-Biden administration. So far, no one in the federal government has been held accountable for their actions in the scheme.

Outraged, Terry’s sister said, “Our government has failed our family once again, first by denying their involvement with Fast and Furious gun running, and now overturning a life sentence of first-degree murder of a federal agent. We strongly urge our U.S. Prosecutors to renew the case and, once again, obtain a first-degree conviction.”

The report also quotes Terry’s other sister, Kelly Terry-Willis, as saying, “We are disheartened by the overturning of this conviction, which has prolonged our family’s suffering and prevented closure. The illegal entry of the defendant into the country and the events of Operation Fast and Furious highlight the critical need for robust national security policies.”

In a social media post on Saturday, the Brian Terry Foundation wrote, “This is devastating news for the family of Brian Terry. What is happening on the border is a constant reminder of our loss. @KariLake seems to be the only candidate in Arizona who cares. God bless her for trying to help with the border crisis.”

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