NEWS ALERT: Senate advances Trump attorney general nominee Pam Bondi, new GOP senator delivers powerful endorsement


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From the Washington Examiner: The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Wednesday in favor of moving Pam Bondi forward in the nomination process, bringing President Donald Trump‘s choice to lead the Justice Department one step closer to confirmation.

The committee voted along party lines, 12–10, to advance Bondi’s nomination to the full Senate floor for a vote. The upper chamber is expected to bring her nomination up for a final vote sometime in the next week, but leadership has not yet set a date for it.

Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) praised Bondi, a former Florida attorney general, ahead of the committee vote, highlighting her more than two decades’ worth of experience as a prosecutor.

“Her record shows that she’s willing to tackle and to solve some of the hardest problems facing our nation,” Grassley said, citing Bondi’s past work to eliminate oxycodone pill mills, stop human trafficking, and collaborate with both Republicans and Democrats.

Sen. Ashley Moody (R-Fla.), who recently joined the U.S. Senate after being appointed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to fill the seat of now-Secretary of State Marco Rubio, was then placed on the Senate Judiciary Committee – the committee responsible for moving Bondi’s nomination to the Senate floor.

Moody served as Florida Attorney General after Bondi’s term in that role had ended.

Moody delivered a powerful endorsement of Bondi before the committee Wednesday morning. She then shared a video on X of her remarks and explained, “I had the honor of being Pam Bondi’s successor as the Attorney General of Florida. Now, I’m casting my first vote as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee supporting her nomination as the United States Attorney General.”


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