(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Putin lowers the threshold for using his nuclear arsenal after Biden’s arms decision for Ukraine



  1. As soon as putin uses a nuke all the democrats better go in hoding. All the democrats have caused this and will be dealt with accordingly

  2. More saber rattling, sooner or later someone somewhere is going to launch a nuke, and the it will be “GAME ON!”
    No walking back a nuke.
    Just smile and wait for the flash.

  3. That’s what Hussein Obiden wanted, WWIII
    Thanks joey! But did you ever stop and think that one of those WMDs could be aimed at your beach, or over your 16′ wall surrounded place near the Vineyard???

    Your evil ways will be defeated by the Almighty God himself.

  4. I was more afraid of what these flipping idiots would do after losing the election that I was about losing the election. I knew if Kamala won we were all screwed because, well word salad. Then if Trump won they have two months to throw every Hail Mary to unleash their terrorism on President Trump.


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