NEWS ALERT: New report exposes Biden-Harris admin’s ‘quiet’ move that’s allowing migrants to stay in US


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From Fox News: Nearly 1 million illegal immigrants are staying in the U.S. “indefinitely” after their cases were dismissed or closed, or the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) failed to file the necessary documentation, according to a new House Judiciary Committee report being released on Thursday.

“Through administrative maneuvering at both the Justice Department and DHS, the Biden-Harris Administration has already ensured that nearly 1 million illegal aliens can remain in the United States without the possibility of deportation—and that trend shows no sign of stopping,” the report by the House majority on the committee, first obtained by Fox News Digital, says.

When illegal immigrants are encountered, they can be put into removal proceedings by which they will eventually face an immigration judge to have their case decided. There are around 700 immigration judges across the U.S., and they currently face a backlog of millions of cases after the historic crisis at the border.

The report cites briefings to the committee, which staff say revealed that over 700,000 illegal immigrants have had their immigration cases dismissed, terminated or administratively closed in immigration court during the current administration, “allowing those aliens to stay in the country indefinitely without facing immigration consequences.”

Rep. Jim Jordan, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, announced on social media:

This damning report details how Kamala Harris has exploited immigration court proceedings, allowing nearly 1 million illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. indefinitely.

Under “Border Czar” Kamala Harris, over 700,000 illegal aliens have had their cases dismissed, terminated, or administratively closed.

The pace of these actions has increased each year, allowing those aliens to stay in the country indefinitely without facing immigration consequences.

Kamala Harris has used the backlog as an excuse to allow even more aliens to remain in America.

Instead of adjudicating cases based on the merits of their claims—such as valid asylum requests—immigration judges have rubberstamped dismissals, terminations, and closures.

This quiet amnesty has become a hallmark of the Biden-Harris Administration’s immigration courts.

“What’s the end game of Kamala Harris’s border crisis? MASS AMNESTY. By weaponizing immigration judges and DHS attorneys, the Border Czar has already granted “quiet amnesty” to nearly 1 million illegal aliens. How many more illegal aliens will she allow to stay in the U.S. forever?” Jordan added in another post.

CLICK HERE to read the full House Judiciary report.


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