NEWS ALERT: Illegal Jordanian migrants who ‘tried to breach’ Quantico base allowed to walk free


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From the New York Post: The two illegal Jordanian migrants who are charged with trying to breach Marine Corps Base Quantico in May posted thousands of dollars in bail and were allowed to leave federal custody, The Post can exclusively reveal.

Hasan Yousef Hamdan, 32, and Mohammad Khair Dabous, 28, were released from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention despite their immigration status — Hamdan had crossed into the country illegally in April and Dabous had overstayed his student visa and is subject to removal proceedings, law enforcement sources told The Post.

They were arrested on May 3 for trespassing onto the military installation and handed over to ICE officers because of their immigration statuses. It’s still unknown why the men allegedly tried to get onto the base.

The site is home to the FBI Academy and FBI Laboratory, as well as a Defense Intelligence Agency facility and several major US Marine Corps commands — including the unit that flies the Marine One presidential helicopter.

In the May 3 incident, the two men had driven up to a gate of the base in a box truck and claimed to be Amazon subcontractors making a delivery. When officers at the gate instructed them to pull over to a holding area for further vetting, instead, they went past that area and attempted to drive onto the base anyway. They were stopped by vehicle barriers.

According to a report by Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies, the pair were slapped with misdemeanor charge for trespassing on military property and appeared before a judge in Alexandria for the first time on July 22, along with an Arabic-speaking interpreter.

At the July 22 hearing,  they were ordered released on the conditions that they show up to court for their immigration proceedings and stay away from Quantico or other military base.

The judge set both men’s next hearing for 10 a.m. on September 17, according to Bensman.

Bensman also wrote that the Biden administration had refused to release the two men’s identities, but he was finally able to obtain their identities through a search of federal court records.  He wrote:

Government lawyers went so far as to refuse a Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Freedom of Information Act request on grounds that releasing their names was a “clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy” and of “minimal public interest” despite the congressional and media inquiries that reached a May 16 White House press briefing where President Biden’s spokesperson refused to answer.

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