NEWS ALERT: Ex-girlfriend of Kamala Harris’ husband breaks her silence


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From the Daily Mail: Doug Emhoff’s ex-girlfriend has spoken exclusively to claiming that he slapped her in the face so hard she spun around at a 2012 celebrity event in France.

The woman, a successful New York attorney, is remaining anonymous, but decided to speak out after Emhoff, Kamala Harris’s husband, denied the claims through a spokesman.

Emhoff’s accuser, who is naming only as ‘Jane’, initially declined to comment on the record. But Emhoff’s denial, and his alleged hypocrisy by claiming to be a feminist in media interviews, finally became too much for her.

‘What’s frightening for a woman that’s been on the other end of it, is watching this completely fabricated persona being portrayed,’ Jane said.

‘He’s being held out to be the antithesis of who he actually is. And that is utterly shocking.’

The Daily Mail, who first reported on the incident on Oct 2, based their report on accounts from two of Jane’s friends who said she told them about the slap immediately after it happened, and another friend who said she told about it in 2018.

According to Jane’s friends, she and Emhoff had been dating about 3 months, and said he had told Jane at the time that he had earlier had an affair with his daughter’s nanny, Najen Naylor, and gotten her pregnant.

On the night Emhoff slapped ‘Jane,’ the two were on a trip in France, and he reportedly claimed he thought she was flirting the the valet worker. One of Jane’s friends, a New York businessman, said Jane called him sobbing that night, and told him about the incident and said she broke up with Emhoff that night because of the slap.

Now, ‘Jane’ has come forward to speak with the Daily Mail herself, and recalled that Emhoff ‘slapped me so hard I spun around.’ She also told the Daily Mail that Emhoff told her he was accused by his mistress of causing her to miscarry their baby.

Jane said she met Emhoff in early 2012, on, while she was living in New York and he was in Los Angeles. For their first date, in March 2012, he flew to New York and met her for drinks after work at a hotel near Times Square.

The next month, he flew her to Los Angeles to stay at his home for a week, and Jane recalled that “He was totally love-bombing me. He grabbed me round the stomach and talked about wanting more babies.”

During that trip to California, Jane said Emhoff offhandedly told her the whole story about his divorce, having an affair with his daughter’s teacher, Najen Naylor, her getting pregnant, and the woman claiming he caused her to lose the pregnancy.

“Jane added that Emhoff told her he settled with Naylor for about $80,000, and had her sign an NDA,” the Daily Mail wrote.

‘Jane’ began having doubts about the relationship, but she had already reserved tickets for them both to attend a gala in France during the Cannes Film Festival the next month, so she went ahead with the trip.

However, the trip turned into a nightmare when, after leaving the star-studded event at 3 am, she went to give the valet a $100 tip to get a car faster, instead of having to wait in line so long.

Below is a key excerpt from the Daily Mail report:

‘I put my hand on the valet’s shoulder and tell him, with my $100, could you please get me a car as soon as possible. As I’m talking to him, Doug got out of the line, comes up, turns me around by my right shoulder. I’m completely caught off guard, I’m not bracing, I’m in four inch heels, wearing a full-length gown and it’s between 2-3am.

‘He slaps me so hard I spin around, and I’m in utter shock. There had been no fight, no argument. It had been a completely fantastic event. I am so furious. The only thing I could think to do was slap him back. I slapped him on one side, and on the other cheek with the other hand. In that moment, his mask had dropped and I saw his dark side,’ she added.

“I can’t believe he just slapped me. I think I said to him in the car, ‘What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you do that?’ And the only thing I could get out of him was he thought I was hitting on the valet,” Jane told the Daily Mail.

Jane said she was so upset and freaked out over the incident that she called a businessman friend back in New York while she was still in the car with Emhoff, because she wanted someone to know what had happened, and wanted Emhoff to know she had told someone.

The next day, she said he was unapologetic, but simply dismissed the whole thing, saying they were ‘even’ because she had hit him back.

Jane also told about Emhoff taking a photo of her sitting on a lounger in a bikini, and when he laughingly showed the photo to her later, he had cut off her head.

She said the slapping incident was enough to wake her up and leave Emhoff, and they never spoke after that trip to France, except for two texts, one in which she asked him to repay her for money he owed her, and another in which he asked her to return a suit.

“In retrospect, it was the best thing that could possibly have happened, because his mask dropped, and I realized I shouldn’t waste another moment with him,” Jane said.

The Daily Mail has obtained a copy of Jane and Emoff’s flight itinerary to France, and have also obtained video footage from the red carpet event in France in which Emhoff is seen.

Jane says her coming forward isn’t politically motivated, as she and her husband are both Democrats, voted for Joe Biden, and donated to Biden’s campaigns. The report doesn’t say who she will be voting for in this election.

She said she is disgusted that the mainstream is not even talking about the allegations against Emhoff.

Emhoff and Kamala Harris were married in 2014, after meeting on a blind date in 2013.

REPORT: Kamala Harris’ hubby accused of ‘forcefully slapping’ former girlfriend in disturbing incident


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