NEWS ALERT: Bombshell FDA email reveals push for transgender ‘health care’ despite alarming side effects


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From the Daily Signal: A team leader at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended approving “puberty blockers” for teens who identify as transgender even while noting that a recent study showed these drugs are associated with an “increased risk in depression and suicidality.”

Many activists claim that children struggling with gender dysphoria (the persistent condition of identifying with the gender opposite their biological sex) must receive experimental drugs to make their bodies resemble bodies of the opposite sex to stop them from committing suicide, yet the FDA study suggested these drugs actually increase the risk of suicide.

In one email on Jan. 25, 2022, Shannon Sullivan, clinical team leader at the FDA’s Division of General Endocrinology, noted that the agency’s Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology Products performed a “safety review of the GnRH agonist class in pediatric patients in 2016/2017.” GnRH stands for “Gonadatropin-releasing hormone,” and GnRH agonists prevent the natural release of testosterone and estrogen that initiate puberty.

The letter acknowledges there had been multiple complaints reported from those who used GnRH agonist, including “fibromyalgia type symptoms, infertility, PCOS, and weight gain, among others.”

“Our review focused on suicidal ideation/depression, seizures, and bone health,” Sullivan wrote in the email, describing the study among pediatric patients. Sullivan notes that most of the minors in the study suffered from central precocious puberty (in which puberty starts too early), “a handful were transgender kids using the drugs off-label.”

“We found no effect on bone (after factoring in catch-up growth), including no increase in fracture risk,” she noted. “We did find increased risk of depression and suicidality, as well as increased seizure risk and we issued SLCs [safety-related labeling changes],” the letter acknowledges.

Despite the known side effects, Sullivan wrote, “DUOG (the FDA’s Division of Urology, Obstetrics, and Gynecology) has done a patient listening session with trans kids and separately with trans adults, which I participated in, and there is definitely a need for these drugs to be approved for gender transition, as they are typically not covered by insurance and are expensive out of pocket.”

America First Legal shared a copy of the shocking email and wrote, “Our litigation just exposed that Biden’s FDA recommended approving puberty blockers to minors despite noting that these drugs are associated with an “increased risk of depression and suicidality.””

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