NEWS ALERT: Blue state mistakenly registers over 1,000 possible noncitizens to vote, DMV admits


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From Fox NewsOregon officials admitted an error with the state’s automatic voter enrollment problem was larger than previously thought, registering 1,259 possible noncitizens since 2021.

Ten of the mistakenly enrolled individuals went on to cast a ballot, according to Oregon’s Secretary of State, although at least one became a citizen before voting.

The enrollment error was first unearthed earlier this month, with officials admitting to wrongly registering around 300 voters through an Oregon DMV program that registers legal citizens when they obtain a driver’s license or state ID.

But this week, the DMV and Secretary of State’s office said a complete review showed 1,259 people who didn’t provide proof of U.S. citizenship were added to Oregon’s voter rolls, a number four times the previously reported figure.

According to state officials, the error began occurring in 2021, at the same time a state law allowing illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses took effect.

“The DMV audit found staff may have accidentally selected “U.S. passport” when presented with a foreign passport, or “U.S. birth certificate” when given a foreign document, triggering voter enrollment,” the report reads.

DMV administrator Amy Joyce said the error has now been corrected.

Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade claimed in a statement Monday, “Noncitizen voting remains exceedingly rare in Oregon and around the country. We can continue to be proud that automatic voter registration is just one of the ways we ensure eligible Oregonians have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote.”

The report notes that about half of all states, as well as Washington, D.C., have implemented automatic voter registration.

Rep. Ben Cline (R-Va.) reacted to the report, writing, “To those saying noncitizen voting isn’t an issue, Oregon officials just revealed OVER 1,255 non-citizens are registered. RT 🔁 if you agree that ONLY U.S. citizens should vote in our elections.”

Oregon Republicans are furious over the revelation, and have announced a hearing on the matter scheduled for Wednesday morning.

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