NEWS ALERT: Biden DHS official caught promoting illegal immigration on social media, Watchdog group releases DHS ‘watchlist’


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From the Washington Free Beacon: A Department of Homeland Security official has been promoting illegal immigration for months by enticing and offering advice to potential border crossers on social media, according to a newly released report.

Wilson Osorio, an associate counsel with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service, “uses his TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram channels” to post conversations with illegal immigrants and share tips about the migration process, the conservative watchdog American Accountability Foundation said in its report. Osorio asked the migrants “to tell those watching how much money they make, how they came to the United States, and how wonderful it is to illegally enter and settle in the United States.”

Since July, Osorio has posted dozens of videos on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, according to the report. Osorio appears to have since removed his LinkedIn profile and made his TikTok and YouTube accounts private, Fox News reported.

“The American Dream is alive and well,” Osorio wrote under one of his Instagram videos. “This is the story of a Honduran immigrant who entered the United States illegally ~20 years ago. With hard work and dedication, he is now the owner of an expanding restaurant which brings in over $1 million in sales.”

In another video, an illegal immigrant provided tips for other border crossers, warning about smugglers and the desert’s heat.

Fox News first reported on the discovery, and noted that after they reached out to DHS and and USCIS to confirm Osorio’s employment, what appeared to be Osorio’s YouTube and TikTok accounts were made private and his LinkedIn profile appeared to have been removed.

Osorio’s DHS salary is reportedly $171,268 per year.  Osorio has also served as Immigration Counsel for prominent Democratic Senator Dick Durbin on the Judiciary Committee, according to the American Accountability Foundation.

Revealing more details of Osorio’s now-deleted posts, Fox News wrote:

Other examples include a video that identified a migrant as earning $1,000 a week selling fruit. In another video, an illegal immigrant is asked if he has any advice or tips for others who want to cross illegally into the U.S. The man responds by warning about the dangers, including smugglers and the heat of the desert.

For another video, the description says, “In the [US] you work hard for your money but crossing the border was worth it. Thanks to my work here, I built a house in Honduras and I will soon be moving back.”

Another video identified the “important role” undocumented immigrants play in construction, while highlighting the money they can make in various occupations. One video gives advice to illegal immigrants if they are owed money at work.

The American Accountability Foundation released the following video exposing Osorio’s social media posts and videos in which he was promoting and glorifying illegal immigration.

One part of the video features a man bragging in Spanish that he came to the US illegally and now makes a million dollars per year.


The American Accountability Foundation says they are just getting started.

In a statement posted on X Wednesday morning, the group announced:

🚨 BREAKING: The Left’s worst nightmare JUST HAPPENED

A couple months back, the American Accountability Foundation announced that – thanks to generous support from the Heritage Foundation – our team of professional investigators would be doing something unprecedented. Something that will change the game in DC.

We announced that we would be publishing a list for the American people to see, naming the subversive, leftist bureaucrats serving in the Federal government who’ve betrayed America by sabotaging the security of our border and the integrity of our immigration system.

The Left shrieked and yelled and told us we couldn’t do it. Well, we hope they have reservations at their favorite safe-spaces because the day they have been dreading is TODAY: We have just released the first tranche of names of these subversive bureaucrats on our list to a website for YOU to see:

For too long, these leftist bureaucrats have operated in the shadows, shaping government policy according to their own extreme agenda. Instead of trying to persuade Americans to support them in elections, these radicals take up little-known, yet powerful, positions in the Federal government, where they can dictate government policy with zero accountability.

But we are done allowing these people to destroy our country while maintaining anonymity. We are naming names. We are exposing the truth.

The group has released a “DHS Watchlist” website with their “top 10 targets.” A statement on the website reads:

The DHS Bureaucrat Watch List is dedicated to exposing the career staff who have outsized influence on efforts to secure the southern border. While everyone knows who Alejandro Mayorkas and Merrick Garland are, few Americans know who the career bureaucrats are that implement their orders.

By uncovering hidden agendas and failures, we aim to restore integrity to our immigration system and border protection by showing America who can be counted on to reform America’s broken immigration system and who is in league with left-wing open border groups. Join us in defending our borders and reclaiming America’s sovereignty.

Rep. Ben Cline (R-Va.) commented on the report, writing, “It is outrageous that a DHS official is actively using social media platforms to promote illegal immigration into our Nation. This INVASION is not an accident; it’s all by design.”

Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) wrote, “INSANE! A Harris-Biden DHS official has been promoting illegal immigration into our country, using social media platforms to give advice to border crossers. This is a state-sponsored INVASION.”

Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.) warned, “As I have been saying for nearly four years, the Biden-Harris border invasion is INTENTIONAL.”


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