NEWS ALERT: 2 NYPD sergeants shot following armed NYC robbery, suspected gang member in custody


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From the New York Post: Two police sergeants were shot Thursday during a struggle with a suspected gang member who had allegedly robbed several women inside a Lower East Side business moments earlier, according to police.

The 22-year-old suspect, identified as Joshua Dorsett, allegedly shot one of the officers in the groin, and the same bullet passed through and grazed the other cop in the left leg, according to the police.

Both cops were taken to Bellevue Hospital and are expected to survive.

Dorsett was taken into custody at the scene, police said during a press conference Thursday evening.

Dorsett already has a lengthy criminal record, and was currently out on probation. He even visited his probation officer Thursday morning. He is reportedly a member of the local “Up the Hil” gang, and has been arrested three times previously, including for drug possession.

Around 4:15 pm, Dorsett stole purses from multiple women in an armed stick-up at a Mahjong Parlor. The women contacted police, who responded and took off after the suspect. When the officers tried to restrain Dorsett, he resisted, then yanked a gun from his waistband and fired, striking both cops.

The officers did NOT return fire.

Additional officers then apprehended Dorsett and took him into custody.

The wounded officers, both sergeants, were identified as Carl Johnson, 43, who has been with the NYPD for 16 years, and Christopher Leap, 34, who has been with the NYPD for 11 years.

Leap was released from the hospital Thursday evening, and Johnson is expected to be released on Friday.

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