NEW POLICY: Meta Bans ‘Zionist’ Hate Speech


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Meta has updated its hate speech policy to ban posts that use the term ‘Zionist’ in a dehumanizing manner or to call for violence against Jews or Israelis.

This policy change aims to combat the use of ‘Zionist’ as a proxy for hate speech targeting Jewish people and Israelis. The decision has been widely praised by various organizations and individuals for recognizing and addressing the misuse of the term ‘Zionist’ as a form of antisemitism.

The update comes in response to increasing concerns about the rise in online antisemitic rhetoric, where the term ‘Zionist’ is often used to mask blatant hate speech. By implementing this policy, Meta seeks to create a safer and more inclusive online environment for Jewish and Israeli users.

The move has been commended by numerous advocacy groups, including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the American Jewish Committee (AJC), which have long campaigned for social media platforms to take stronger stances against antisemitism.

Critics of the policy change argue that it could stifle legitimate political discourse about Israel and Zionism. However, Meta has clarified that the policy does not aim to silence criticism of Israeli government policies or the political ideology of Zionism but to prevent the term from being weaponized to incite hate and violence.